Seminars on Building Winning Team and Organizational Cultures and Carbon9D Wellness

Carbon9D offers specialized seminars on Building Winning Team and Organizational Cultures, ISAF (Instant Strength and Flexibility), Improving Critical Decision Making Under Duress and Stress Resiliency, Creating and Implementing Department and Organizaional Wellness Program, Improving Tissue Health, The Importance of Posture and Postural Restoration, and Athletic Team Off and In-Season Preparation. We aim to equip team, organizations, and individuals with the knowledge and highly applicable/adaptable, and practical strategies to improve team culture manage well-being and improve performance.

Building a Winning Team and Organizational Culture

How do you build a winning team culture? Have you ever wondered why some businesses, organizations, or sports teams are so successful year after year? Over the past 20+ years, we have had the tremendous privilege of working with and picking the brains of numerous public and private organizations, businesses, law enforcement, military, and first responders, and athletic teams from around the country. Many of these teams and organizations have what can be referred to as a Winning Culture.

This begs the question: What is culture? What is it that these teams and organizations are doing that their counterparts are not?

Are there common threads among those successful teams and organizations? Our original intention was to learn (and show) how the lessons we learn and the attitude/culture we develop playing youth and high school sports transcends the athletic field and serves as a foundation upon which many successful businesses and organizations have been built.

But what we’ve learned over the past 20 years was so much more.

In this four or 8-hour seminar, we’ll share with you a plethora of information, drills, and strategies that have left many of our attendees stating, “Thank you….that was the best class I’ve taken in the past 20 or 30 years.”

You are welcome! It is an honor and privilege to share this info!

Instant Strength and Flexibility

Sounds too good to be true, right?
That’s what we thought when we first began learning and experimenting with these powerful methods of unlocking the nervous system.
For those seeking to unlock near instant changes in strength, flexibility, balance, and posture, we educate individuals about impactful techniques, supplementation, and exercises that can be seamlessly incorporated into their daily routines and workouts. We provide a “get right to the point” practical approach to unlocking mobility and physical capabilities.

Creating and Implementing Department and Organizational Wellness Program

With 16+ years of experience serving as the Massachusetts Municipal Police Statewide Health and Wellness Coordinator and over 25 years in the Health and Wellness field, helping law enforcement and fire departments set up health and wellness programs is one of our most fullfilling tasks.
This 4-houir class gives you the blueprint.

From where to start, grants, and funding resources, to creating buy-in, incentives, programming, and so much more, this class is a must for any department or organization looking to improve officer or employee health, wellness, and well-being.

The Importance of Posture and Postural Restoration

How important is posture? Did you know that your posture can have a direct effect on your testosterone and cortisol? How about your nervous system? Ability to take a deep diaphragmatic breath.

Of did you know that your posture can have an impact on your strength, blood pressure, and movement quality/efficiency?

But, it’s not as simple as just sitting up straight. Check out our popular article for more on this.

In this 6-hour theory, science, and practical class you’ll learn cutting edge tools including PosturePro, how to evaluate posture, the role the eyes, feet, diaphragm, and nervous system have on posture, and lots of methods/exercises to restore and improve it.

Athletic Team Off and In-Season Preparation

With over 6k athletes, 100+ high school teams, 30+ state championship teams, top 10 club and college programs, olympic hopefuls, national champions, dozens of all state, league MVP’s, state champions, we have had a pretty good record of setting up teams for athletic success.

Having had to honor of mentorship under world renowned strength and conditioning expert Charles Poliquin, and connecting with some of the best experts in the field including Annette Verpillot, Dr Stu Mcgill, Chris and Anne Frederick, Nick Mitchell, Tom Newman, Dave Sinclair, Valter Longo, Martin Gibala, and much more, we utilize holistic, whole body approach to athletic development and recovery. We take into account each individual athlete and their recovery.

In this 8-hour class, we take complex program design methods and simplify them into easy to understand models. For more info on some of our training methods and successes be sure to check out some of our books (can we link to this) and free blog articles.

Improving Critical Decision Making Under Duress and Stress Resiliency

This class dives into the physiology and neuroscience of stress resiliency and critical decision making uder duress.

From the initial percecption of a stress to predictions, brain “stuff”, neurotransmitters, hormones and more, we try to uncover why we respond the way we do.

The class also includes practical elements including scenarios and stress inducing training methods, then dives heavily into easy to implement solutions and strategies.

Get in Touch

At Carbon9D, we are committed to delivering transformative consulting and speaking engagements on health and wellness. We aim to inspire, educate, and empower individuals and organizations to embrace a holistic approach to well-being. Contact us today to learn more.



“Hands down the best professional development training I’ve received in my 24 years in the military. Any leader of an organization looking to improve culture in the civilian or military sector should have him come teach this class. His presentation and engagement with his audience is top notch.”

USAF Squadron Commander/Major”

“The best class I’ve taken in the past 30 years”

Chief of Police

“Jason is a very dynamic and engaging speaker with incredible knowledge on so many topics! We were lucky to have him speak”

“Where was this information 30 years ago? I plan on taking every one of Jason’s classes”

“Excellent presenter. Always on top of his game while staying ahead of the curve with cutting edge information”

“The way Jason connected with our team and inspired them is awesome. He truly motivated them to work hard and play for each other. His winning cutlure stuff is the best my coaching staff and I have seen”

“We had Jason come in and work with our entire town; police, fire, school, athletics, and administrative, and everyone in attendance left motivated and spoke extremely highly of the class. We all want him to come back”

“I am not sure what “magic” he did, but he upped my front squat from 260 by 1 to 260 by 6 after three minutes of posture and pressure points”

“Incredible!! He increased my vertical jump by 1.5 inches on Hawkins force plates in a matter of seconds”

“I could barely touch my shins when doing a two legged hamstring stretch. Shea did his pressure point stuff, never mind touching my toes, I was nearly touching the ground. Simply amazing!! I highly recommend him”

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Free 119-Page Carbon9D 90-Day Challenge Ebook